Author - Didi Lomont

Optimizing Federal Clinical Laboratories

10 Benefits of Truly Vendor-Neutral Middleware for Federal Health Systems

Federal clinical laboratories face many of the same challenges as civilian labs – shrinking budgets and staffing resources combined with increasing volumes of lab orders. But because federal labs are dependent on government funding for their operations, it’s even more...

Is Your Lab Middleware Shortchanging Your Laboratory’s Performance?

10 Benefits of Truly Vendor-Neutral Middleware

Vendor neutrality in lab middleware software refers to the ability of connectivity software to work seamlessly with various instruments and devices from different manufacturers without favoring any particular vendor.   Truly vendor-neutral or “agnostic” middleware, however, offers many more benefits than simply connecting instruments. Your lab...

Instrument Manager Version 9.00.10 Released

Colchester, VT (March 4, 2024) – Data Innovations announces the availability of Instrument Manager™ (IM) 2023 MR1, (v9.00.10). This edition is a minor release. IM 2023 MR1 is focused on cybersecurity enhancements and new lab uptime capabilities, including global TCP/IP Keep Alive functionality.  In addition, IM 2023 MR1...

Instrument Manager Daylight-Saving Time Guidance for IM Versions 8.07 and Higher

Daylight-savings time begins Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 2 a.m. and ends Sunday, November 3 at 2 a.m.

Instrument ManagerTM can support both automatic and manual adjustment of the system clock to account for daylight savings. Both approaches will have same effect on any timestamps applied to specimens moving through Instrument...

Data Innovations Launches Lab GPS v2.1

Uptime Management Now Available through Mobile App

February 14, 2024 Data Innovations announces the availability of Lab GPS™ v2.1., which introduces a new mobile app and other enhancements to enterprise lab uptime monitoring and optimization. In this further development of Data Innovations’ first cloud-hosted SaaS product, Lab GPS v2.1 enables LIS administrators...

Instrument Manager Logo

IM versions 8.16.20 and older will reach End of Life (EoL) January 1, 2026

Data Innovations® (DI) is providing advanced notice of product changes for Instrument Manager (IM).

IM versions 8.16.20 and older will reach End of Life (EoL) January 1, 2026.

What does this mean for your organization?
DI will only provide cybersecurity updates, driver enhancement requests, new drivers, services, product enhancements and address Known Issues...

How to Install Instrument Manager™ Core Software

NOTE These instructions apply for Data Innovations’ North American customers. If this is your first time installing IM, please contact Data Innovations Sales to acquire the appropriate license files. If you already have the appropriate license files and are installing the same version of IM a subsequent time, please follow these...